Creating and maintaining a beautiful green lawn is what we do best. Our 6 Visit Lawn Care Program is designed to prevent weeds while building a dense, healthy and attractive lawn. We use quality materials, coupled with precise application techniques to ensure that you get the most out of each service that we provide. We believe in the quality of our lawn care program so much that we offer a satisfaction guarantee! If you are not happy with your last application, we will make it right or issue a refund for the price of that application.
Our 6 Visit Lawn Care Program includes:
- liquid spring pre emergent weed control
- liquid and granular fertilization
- liquid post emergent weed control
- liquid fall pre emergent weed control
- thorough evaluation with each visit
- free annual soil pH test
- free service calls
In most instances our 6 Visit Lawn Care Program will produce a lawn that would make anyone proud. However, it is important to understand that some weeds, such as doveweed and dallisgrass, have limited control options that require us to target them specifically. Lawns are also susceptible to damage from insects and disease from time to time. For this reason, we may recommend additional weed control, insecticide and/or fungicide applications to aid in meeting your expectations for your lawn. We also provide you with the results of your free soil pH test and make recommendations based on that number. Not every lawn requires a pH adjustment, but knowing your soil is the first step in determining whether or not a corrective application is needed.
Additional Lawn Care Services include:
- grub prevention
- fire ant control
- fungicide application
- flea and tick control
- aeration
- soil pH correction (lime/sulfur)

Use our online quote form or give us a call today to schedule a free quote for your next lawn, tree or shrub care service. We look forward to helping you with all of your lawn care needs. Be sure to review our latest Specials & Offers.